
PedalBoard is a device designed to solve issues related to undesirable noise from MIDI pedal switches. It allows performers to use the relatively silent M-Audio SP2 sustain pedal as a software-configurable MIDI trigger device. All Pedalboards are hand assembled in my workshop.
PedalBoard makes use of the Open Source MIDI_Controller Library by tttapa, allowing for the device to be reconfigured by the performer in the Arduino IDE.
Prototype units are currently being tested by composers and performers across the United States. Units are expected to be available in March 2020.
The milled prototype of the PedalBoard was used to perform Dr. Douglas Niemela's Opposable Thumbs. You can see it in action on my Music page.

Board schematic. Made in KiCad.

First run of PCBs manufactured by Seeed Studio.

Neutrik 1/4" jack ready for soldering.
SainSmart Genmitsu CNC 2018 Desktop Mill
Arduino Beetle
Arduino Pro Micro
Open Source Software
Initial prototypes for the PedalBoard were milled on a SainSmart Genmitsu desktop milling machine on copper-clad board.
Testing of prototype hardware showed that the initial USB Micro-B jack couldn't handle the mechanical stress of a performance environment.
In order to increase device reliability I switched to an Arduino Beetle clone.
Additionally, heat shrink tubing was added to help with mechanical stress on solder joints and to protect the electronics from wear. Future revisions will have a 3D printed casing as well as the ability to switch the pedal from digital to analogue, allowing for use as an expression pedal as well as an input switch.

Milling of initial prototype using a SainSmart Genmitsu CNC 3018.

First prototype board with traces milled, holes drilled, and edges cut.

First assembled board, based off of a Arduino Pro Micro. Issues were found with the USB Micro-B jack pulling off of the board when subjected to normal use.